
Suara Disko #4: "Cinta Ditolak Disko Bertindak"

Just a lil bit of the real crowd of Suara Disko
(Source: Facebook)

Hello everyone! Sorry for spamming but I guess my head wants to exploded because many ideas are waiting to be written about, soooo let's just get started! Right now, I wanna share about the annual event,"Suara Disko" which held by a community who loves Indonesian Rare Grooves, the old songs that won't get you bored even though the contemporary ones does hits you right just to make you fit into the globals :P
Well anyway, I've came twice to this event. On the first one, I came 2 hours late and the crowd was already as louuudd as the last event. There were hugeee of people came to Baxter just to enjoy Suara Disko. That's why I came right at 9 pm on the 4th event of Suara Disko last March. I came there with my one and only babe, Dalasta. I saw people spoiled out their happiness, singing so out loud, dancing through the rhymes, enjoying the time together. Everybody blended into one harmony, listening to the non-stop 6 hours set of Indonesian Rare Groove brought by Diskoria Selekta. The ambience is just different than the other events. It supposed to be visited by my mum and dad's generations but voila, that's my generation that came and enjoy the hype!

Fariz RM!!
(Source: Facebook)

On the 4th Suara Disko, they brought a guest star, which is Fariz RM, the legendary old singer of Sakura, Barcelona, Selangkah Kesebrang, and many more. He didn't stand on a stage though, he stands with us to keep the intimacy on. I tried to took some videos through my instastory on instagram but it ended up with my dirty voices, I couldn't handle myself to not singing (and screaming out loudly) because I just can't keep my own excitement! (Hey, what's not to love about his songs?!)

See, my face is definitely uncontrolled
(Source: Facebook)

I was happy at that time because I can sing for hours without thinking about my bad voice lol. But overall, I'm so happy that finally there's a place for me, for all Indonesian Rare Groove listener to be exact. Everyone was happy and enjoyed the moment without getting drunk. We sing and dance together. No EDM musics, no trance musics. There are only Indonesian Rare Grooves. I wish Suara Disko will constantly be held every year, so we can sing and dance and enjoy the rhymes through the vinyls of Diskoria Selekta!

I rarely went to an event, but when I do, I go to Suara Disko!

Everyone was happy and enjoyed the moment
(Source: Facebook)

Anyway, thank you so much for visiting my blog!

April, 1st 2017


Aqua & Vanilla

What happened between us,

will always be something to be kept.
To be learned as a lesson, and to be exactly remembered.
That we've done something good together.
Even the worst ones taught us,
about the better version,
of you, of me, of the world.
For one month short or long,
I've finally realized the truth.
We are walking on a different path now,
for our own reasons,
for our own happiness.
So there were you and me.
No more us.
No more Aqua and Vanilla.

March, 28th 2017


Been a While!

Hellooo everyonee! How are youuu? Sorry it took more than a month for me to finally came on blogging because I've just finished my mid semester examination and so far it didn't crawled me down, and of course I've passed SOCA, (Student Oral Case Analysis), the one of an hell for this mid-term (well, every exam to be exact) sooo it's a yeaayy! Honestly, in the middle of the past weeks, I kept on writing but I didn't have much time to edit and post it into my personal blog. Maybe for the next days I'll try to post it one by one (let's just hope that it won't be another bullshits) hehe. 

Well I have a good news for you too, I have finally write my own thesis! And the good news is... *drumrolls* my first chapter is finally finished and approved! YEAY! But I'm still waiting for the approval from Rumah Sakit Jantung Harapan Kita (Harkit) because my research is about the cognitive dysfunctions and impairments after Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) sugery, and it's been more than a month since the first time I asked their permit for my thesis. What's unique and fun about my thesis is my thesis adviser is a psychiatrist and she works in a very phenomenal asylum in Jakarta, which is Rumah Sakit Jiwa Grogol or commonly known as RSJ Grogol :"D whenever I came there to meet my thesis adviser, I always spent some time to walk through the aisle and look up into the ward just to throw up a smile or say hi to the patients. Even though it's very tiring for me to spent my days from Bintaro-Grogol-Slipi and back then, but I know right I won't get the chance to came to the asylum and communicate with the patients if I didn't walk on this path. (Actually, I didn't choose for it. My university changes the method and choose to drawn it randomly instead of asking the students to choose it by themselves).

So besides on struggling my last semesters in Faculty of Medicine and being a Pre-Clinical student, I'm now writing my thesis and I wish it will be finished as soon as possible. Aameen.

April, 1st 2017



What if?

I think we should live separately from each other,
Move so far away until the shadows are gone,
Forget all the laughter above the pillow,
Washout all the kisses below the blanket,
Leave all those pretty things behind,
And then we off to go,
To a place we say goodbye.

But I have questions to be answered,
What if we would never meet again?
Or, what if our path would cross again?
Would we tie the knot and share the breath till the death?

February, 23rd 2017



Happiness comes from Within.

Hi guys welcome back to my personal blog! This is me Aisya, dan sekarang gue ingin berbagi sedikit tulisan tentang arti kata "bahagia". Mungkin teman-teman bisa mencari secara harfiah arti kata bahagia, tapi pernah gak kalian realize sesungguhnya kapan sih kita merasa bahagia?

Gue pribadi merasa bahagia ketika gue merasa bersyukur dengan apa yang gue miliki saat ini. Merasa bersyukur dan tidak mengeluh adalah kunci dari bahagia untuk gue. Ketika gue merasa kurang dengan apa yang gue miliki saat ini, rasanya ingin mengeluh terus. Kesel, capek, malu, semua terus dirasakan. Tapi ketika gue merasa bersyukur biar hanya punya uang seribu rupiahpun, rasanya tetap bahagia. Gue masih bisa napas, gue masih bisa makan meskipun minta orangtua, gue masih bisa main hp, laptop, bahkan blogging seperti saat ini. Rasa bersyukur itu seharusnya ditanamkan untuk hal sekecil apapun, sesimpel apapun. Sesimpel mengucap syukur karena masih diberi kesempatan hidup dan beraktivitas sehingga bisa menjadi manusia yang lebih baik lagi.

Gue personally pernah menjadi orang yang kurang bersyukur, sehingga bawaannya iri dan murung dengan orang lain. Tapi saat ini, gue sedang mencoba menerapkan kebiasaan bersyukur pada diri gue sendiri. Klise memang kalau dibilang alasan untuk bersyukur adalah karena kita masih jauh lebih beruntung dibandingkan orang lain, tapi ada alasan lain yang membuat gue sedang melatih diri untuk tetap bersyukur. Alasannya simpel, agar gue selalu bisa bahagia. Dalam keadaan apapun.

Gue punya kebiasaan ketika merasa di "titik terendah", gue pergi ke suatu yayasan Tuna Netra yang ada di daereah Serpong. Setiap kali gue di perjalanan pulang dari sana, gue selalu merasa re-born, seperti terlahir kembali. Rasanya sangat-sangat bahagia. Hidup seperti tidak ada masalah sebelumnya, beban semua terangkat. Gue bahagia karena melihat para penghuni yayasan yang ternyata jauh lebih bahagia dari gue. Tidak lain dan tidak bukan karena mereka ternyata jauh lebih bersyukur daripada gue. Dalam keadaan mereka yang tidak dapat melihat, mereka tetap bisa beraktivitas seperti biasa, bahkan pancaran kebahagiaan mereka sangat terlihat jelas ketika mereka sedang tersenyum, atau tertawa. Hebatnya lagi, mereka tetap bisa menggunakan komputer, alat musik, bahkan sepeda. Mereka tidak menjadikan status "Tuna Netra" sebagai hambatan dalam menjalankan aktivitas. Dan yang paling membuat gue tidak berhenti berdecak kagum sampai saat ini adalah, mereka setiap harinya memproduksi 3 set Al-Qur'an Braille untuk dibagikan secara gratis kepada Tuna Netra lainnya di Indonesia. Subhanallah, Allahuakbar.

Setelah beberapa kali mengalami masalah ini itu, serta kesana-kemari untuk mencari solusi, gue bertemu satu titik di mana gue sangat yakin bahwa bahagia itu didapat bukan dari orang lain, tapi dari dalam diri kita sendiri. Mau punya rumah sebesar apapun, barang semewah apapun, uang sebanyak apapun, keluarga yang harmonis, bahkan pasangan yang rupawan sekalipun, kalau tidak bisa mensyukurinya maka bahagia tidak akan hadir dalam kehidupan. Perasaan kurang puas dalam segala aspek adalah wajar, itulah yang membuat manusia belajar dan mengejar sesuatu yang lebih baik, tidak lain dengan ekspektasi agar dirinya juga bisa menjadi lebih baik pula. Gue juga sering kali memiliki perasaan kurang puas terutama dalam hal materi pelajaran, rasanya menjelang ujian apa yang sudah gue pelajari masih aja terasa kurang, hingga akhirnya membuat gue untuk membuka buku dan membaca lagi materinya. Tetapi kurang puas bukan berarti tidak bersyukur, kan? :) 

Pada akhirnya, bagi gue saat ini, hal yang terpenting adalah, bahagia itu didapat dari adanya rasa puas dalam diri. Dan rasa puas dalam diri sendiri didapat karena merasa bersyukur dengan apa yang ada. Mungkin tulisan ini sangat biasa, mohon dimaklumi karena sudah disebutkan di description box blog gue kalau gue bukan penulis hihi. Gue hanya pembaca buku yang gemar menulis, tapi semoga setelah membaca tulisan ini teman-teman bisa menjadi lebih bahagia lagi dari sebelumnya!

January, 26th 2017

Warmest regards,



Pernah Tidak

Tidak pernah merasa dekat.
Tidak pernah merasa hangat.
Tidak pernah merasa sama.
Tidak pernah merasa lagi.

Tidak pernah sebelum-nya.

January, 15th 2017