
3 steps to end your hurt : CTRL+ALT+DEL

CONTROL yourself, look for ALTERNATIVE solution, DELETE the situation that hurts you.
It's easy, right?

Holiday means nothing

Gue lagi super labil bgt. Emosi lagi naik turun, satu persatu masalah terselesaikan, tapi yang dateng juga banyak. Ohya I've passed the mid-semester test. So far, semester 2 lebih baik dari semester 1, kyknya emg penyakit gue ya semester 1 ancur, baru bagus di semester 2. Alhamdulillah sih hasil utsnya mayan, paling PKn sama TIK remednya ga kelar2 -_-

I've got too much downs, but I'm not that strong enough to pull it through.
For some problems, I could solved it by my self. How's the other? I let it go with the wind, if it could go.
Banyak masalah, sangat banyak, yang gue alami. Ohya btw hari ini gue libur, karena kelas 12 lagi pada UAS sampe tgl 23. But still, holiday means nothing.
(Btw goodluck dear)
I'm only a human.

Is it false if I'm falling?
Is it false if I need someone to share? Someone who cares a lot about me?
Is it false?
Keep Calm
Study More